Light body sculpting

What is light body sculpting?  Light body sculpting is a technique I prefer to use to shape the women who come in for boudoir. Light is the medium I use to shape you. Photography is the manipulation of light not the manipulation of photoshop. Photoshop is a means to polish an already beautiful image.

Light Body Sculpting

I started my journey as a photographer in film. The concept of massively altering an image was not achievable in the sense that we know it today.  If photographers wanted to create curves that were not there they had to use lighting techniques to shift the light into and out of spaces.

I offer same day viewing for my boudoir sessions because I feel they are amazing as they are. Don’t worry I am not a stickler for no photoshop. There are definitely situations that warrant the use of these tools. My general rule of thumb is a 30 day rule. If what you want me to take out will be gone in 30 days no problem, done. If you have something that will always be there, I generally do not remove it or change it. Of course these images are for you and ultimately if there is something you really me to change, if you need to see how you would look differently I can understand.

Coupled with the right outfit, proper posing, a professional hair and make up, light body sculpting when executed correctly shapes you naturally. Allow me to guide you into feeling amazing as the woman you are. Celebrate your hard work with honoring your body and your relationship between your soul and your physical self.

Make sure to join my exclusive facebook group solely dedicated to empowering woman.

If you are interested in a boudoir shoot please contact me.



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